re: Audra's Schedule
Last Edit: StevenA 10:54 am EST 01/14/25
Posted by: StevenA 10:48 am EST 01/14/25
In reply to: re: Audra's Schedule - den 10:45 am EST 01/14/25

Yes, but this thread isn't about when they ARE scheduled, but when they have announced absences or a set schedule for shows in which they do not appear per the OP's initial post.

And while others no doubt may feel differently, if a scheduled star can't deliver a star performance because of their health, Im not really getting what I paid for an would prefer the option to see an understudy or get a refund.

I've sat through a few performances where some of my favorite stars were clearly ill and struggling for breath while singing and sometimes unable to hit the notes. It was painful.

Previous: re: Audra's Schedule - den 10:45 am EST 01/14/25
Next: re: Audra's Schedule - allineedisthegirl 04:47 pm EST 01/13/25

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