re: Who's playing Sandra Dee? nmi
Last Edit: writerkev 03:29 pm EST 01/14/25
Posted by: writerkev 03:29 pm EST 01/14/25
In reply to: Who's playing Sandra Dee? nmi - Ann 02:30 pm EST 01/14/25

Someone on the other board said the show has posted on its social media channels that it's Erika Henningsen. (Not sure why she wouldn't have been included in this press release if that's the case, so take it with a grain of salt...)

Previous: Who's playing Sandra Dee? nmi - Ann 02:30 pm EST 01/14/25
Next: Natalie Douglas joins Steve Schalchlin and Friends, March 7, 2025 - Official_Press_Release 02:01 pm EST 01/14/25

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