Though this does give us new information
Last Edit: Singapore/Fling 05:50 pm EST 01/15/25
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 05:48 pm EST 01/15/25
In reply to: 2 threads on this below (nm) - MockingbirdGirl 05:43 pm EST 01/15/25

Still no reporting on the actual negotiations, but now we know that Atlantic has moved from postponing the shows to officially closing them, only paying out one week’s salary to the actors. Both shows had just started last week, so only had a few performances before being closed, meaning the actors are out at least one month’s salary for this (and presumably Equity weeks).

I don’t believe that was covered yet in the threads below.

I do wonder if there are other non-profits that are back channeling with Atlantic on this, adding pressure to not take the offer from IATSE, since it seems this would be the first signed contract, hence Atltantic’s messaging around setting a precedent.

Previous: 2 threads on this below (nm) - MockingbirdGirl 05:43 pm EST 01/15/25
Next: It’s new info. - dramedy 06:31 pm EST 01/15/25

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