re: LCT "Ghosts" member sale on now
Posted by: champagnesalesman 10:04 am EST 01/16/25
In reply to: re: LCT "Ghosts" member sale on now - dbdbdb 05:29 pm EST 01/15/25

Yes Lily is a veteran at this point and a really good actress...the other two? The jury is still out. But I love when Nepo parents/babies argue that it is no different than going into any family business which is just not true. If my parents had a dry cleaning business and I take it over, that is not a job that can be worth millions and that others who may be more qualified for are vying for. In show biz...getting a foot in the door and connections are more important than talent. How many talented people are never lucky to have those doors open for them. And I don't just mean being given a role but even being SEEN for a role.

Previous: re: LCT "Ghosts" member sale on now - dbdbdb 05:29 pm EST 01/15/25
Next: re: LCT "Ghosts" member sale on now - Ann 11:35 am EST 01/16/25

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