re: Eureka Day - understudy missing?
Posted by: Thom915 03:59 pm EST 01/16/25
In reply to: Eureka Day - understudy missing? - fredfrankg 11:05 pm EST 01/15/25

I quite agree that it is Jessica Hecht's finest and most complex performance to date.I quite disagree that it would be better at an off Broadway house. The Friedman seems fine for it. Asfor Hecht's understudy or standby we may never find out if she has one unless she misses a performance and I sincerely hope she doesn't and I hope she is remembered at awards time.

Previous: Jennifer Laura Thompson is Hecht's unlisted standby and has gone on... - Maguire75 04:18 pm EST 01/16/25
Next: re: Eureka Day - understudy missing? - fredfrankg 08:17 am EST 01/17/25

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