re: Eureka Day - understudy missing?
Posted by: AlanScott 05:51 pm EST 01/16/25
In reply to: Eureka Day - understudy missing? - fredfrankg 11:05 pm EST 01/15/25

The most famous example I know of was when Gretchen Wyler was the uncredited standby for Lauren Bacall in Applause. Not sure if she remained standby for Anne Baxter and the brief run of Arlene Dahl, but as far as I know, no standby was ever listed in playbills for the show so I am guessing she did remain as the uncredited standby.

A couple of other examples come to mind. Back in 1958, Mary Small was Elaine Stritch's standby in Goldilocks, but she chose not to be credited. More recently, Peter Benson was Mark Rylance's standby at the beginning of the Boeing Boeing run, but he was not credited, although ibdb lists him without any note about him having been uncredited. But he was not credited on opening night, although he was definitely standby, and I believe he was never credited during the time he was standby. A few months into the run, Liam Craig became the standby, and he was credited.

Back in 1965, no one was credited as Fritz Weaver's standby in Baker Street, but surely he had a standby or understudy. I've never been able to find out who it was.

Previous: Eureka Day - understudy missing? - fredfrankg 11:05 pm EST 01/15/25
Next: Jennifer Laura Thompson is Hecht's unlisted standby and has gone on... - Maguire75 04:18 pm EST 01/16/25

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