re: West Bank Cafe sets Re-Opening Date
Posted by: tandelor 08:33 pm EST 01/16/25
In reply to: re: West Bank Cafe sets Re-Opening Date - mlop 06:46 pm EST 01/16/25

I always love your posts. It is like I know you, somehow. David Lahm, Dorothy Field's son, first took me there around 25 years ago and I fell in love with the restaurant and the downstairs theatre space. Had mostly stayed away from that area because it was still pretty dicey back then but to me it was a place that was real NYC. Went there every year for the Tony Awards party. My subsequent trips were never complete with meeting David for lunch there for their fabulous hamburgers. So happy it will reopen, even though my trips to the city are far fewer now.

Previous: re: West Bank Cafe sets Re-Opening Date - mlop 06:46 pm EST 01/16/25
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