re: Projection/Video Design
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 12:40 pm EST 01/17/25
In reply to: re: Projection/Video Design - ryhog 11:29 am EST 01/17/25

I think we are way overdue for a hair and make-up Tony, and a props/puppetry Tony would be warranted.

Open those floodgates and honor artistry and the fact that designing a physical set and designing projections can be but are not always complementary.

The clarinetist remark is a little odd coming from you, and I think the work we see in Sunset in particular rises well above a single instrument in the orchestra.

Ooh, best orchestra Tony? That could be good.

Previous: re: Projection/Video Design - ryhog 11:29 am EST 01/17/25
Next: re: Projection/Video Design - ryhog 02:28 pm EST 01/17/25

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