One factor you didn’t state
Last Edit: dramedy 08:18 pm EST 01/18/25
Posted by: dramedy 08:15 pm EST 01/18/25
In reply to: Is it “stealing” a role when a role is recast with a more famous actor for a broadway or west end transfer? Is this unfair to the original cast member? - VioletJade445 08:12 pm EST 01/18/25

Would the show transfer without the famous actor. Thats probably a large factor in getting financing for the transfer. So it may be unfair, but the show might not ever transfer with the original cast members.

Also an actor may not want to transfer from a regional production to broadway due to family or other obligations for 4-6 months.

Previous: re: Is it “stealing” a role when a role is recast with a more famous actor for a broadway or west end transfer? Is this unfair to the original cast member? - Chazwaza 08:20 pm EST 01/18/25
Next: Claire Van Kamper, Composer, Director, and Wife of Mark Rylance, Has Died - dbdbdb 02:17 pm EST 01/18/25

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