re: OUR TOWN Last Night
Last Edit: BroadwayTonyJ 07:17 pm EST 01/19/25
Posted by: BroadwayTonyJ 07:02 pm EST 01/19/25
In reply to: re: OUR TOWN Last Night - WaymanWong 03:51 pm EST 01/19/25

That's funny. I assume you are joking. "Love and Marriage" worked fine in the 1955 TV musical version by commenting nicely on the story. It definitely wouldn't fit well in the current revival, which is simply Wilder's text.

According to Google, the song referred to in toros' post is titled "Braided Prayer" by the group Abraham Jam. The cast performs it as a hymn.

For the record I loved the current revival. I think the point of Kenny Leon's brisk pacing is to remind us all that life goes by quickly before we know it. We must definitely get as much living out of every single second that we are allotted because anyone's time among the living can end, just like that, in an instant.

Previous: re: OUR TOWN Last Night - Chazwaza 02:59 pm EST 01/21/25
Next: re: OUR TOWN Last Night - Broadwaywannabe 07:38 am EST 01/20/25

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