there's a lot wrong with lotteries, but this is a lottery for "a chance to buy premium tickets"
Posted by: Chazwaza 06:52 am EST 01/20/25
In reply to: re: OMG! Lottery for Hugh Jackman! - WaymanWong 12:06 am EST 01/20/25

Premium tickets these days are cheap at $175.

The word "lottery" for theater tickets is firmly associated with cheap tickets, often in the worst seats or obstructed seats or in possibly amazing unsold seats. So I wish they'd have found another word.

But I don't this this is quite the offense people are painting it as.

Previous: re: OMG! Lottery for Hugh Jackman! - WaymanWong 12:06 am EST 01/20/25
Next: re: there's a lot wrong with lotteries, but this is a lottery for "a chance to buy premium tickets" - ShowGoer 09:18 am EST 01/20/25

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