re: Where does Orville Peck fit into the queer legacy of ‘Cabaret’?
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 10:24 pm EST 01/21/25
In reply to: re: Where does Orville Peck fit into the queer legacy of ‘Cabaret’? - Chazwaza 10:03 pm EST 01/21/25

There’s space to go any number of ways with those relationship relationships. I haven’t done it in some years so I can’t recall if the script explicitly says that the baby is not his… but they clearly have a very deep emotional relationship, I think he’s genuinely serious about wanting to move with her to the United States and raise the baby.

Previous: re: Where does Orville Peck fit into the queer legacy of ‘Cabaret’? - Chazwaza 10:40 pm EST 01/21/25
Next: he fits in as a perform who'll have played the Emcee in one of the Broadway productions... - Chazwaza 07:19 pm EST 01/21/25

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