re: he fits in as a perform who'll have played the Emcee in one of the Broadway productions...
Last Edit: lordofspeech 06:06 am EST 01/22/25
Posted by: lordofspeech 05:55 am EST 01/22/25
In reply to: he fits in as a perform who'll have played the Emcee in one of the Broadway productions... - Chazwaza 07:19 pm EST 01/21/25

The « queer legacy of Cabaret » is a strange, made-up sobriquet. Isherwood, the author of the short stories upon which the play I AM A CAMERA is based, had his own mixed relationship to being gay. Even while ‘out’, he wasn’t as ‘out’ as we think of ‘out.’ Reading his wonderful book about his life as a disciple of Ramakrishna in Hollywood, ‘My Guru and His Disciple,’ provides authentic insight into his complex relationship with sex, celibacy, and his sexuality. It wasn’t until late in life that Don Bachardy, a lover many years his junior, dropped into his life and stayed. Plus, Isherwood, in ‘Christopher and His kind’ re-addressed his Berlin years directly, explaining where he was ‘out’ and how and when.
Given all that history, and the subsequent characterization of him by actor Michael York in the CABARET film, it makes sense that there are many angles by which Cliff or Chris or Herr Issy-voo might and might not fit into our modern era’s understanding of his queerness or gayness or homosexuality or closetedness.

Previous: he fits in as a perform who'll have played the Emcee in one of the Broadway productions... - Chazwaza 07:19 pm EST 01/21/25
Next: re: he fits in as a perform who'll have played the Emcee in one of the Broadway productions... - lordofspeech 06:29 am EST 01/22/25

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