re: Megan Hilary and Jennifer Simard out of matinee
Posted by: StevenA 10:41 am EST 01/23/25
In reply to: Megan Hilary and Jennifer Simard out of matinee - huskyital 07:53 pm EST 01/22/25

While I cannot speak to the accuracy of the comments, the BWW thread on the show is rife with posts about flu running rampant through the company and an alleged shortage of fully prepared swings and understudies. The latter has been challenged as an inaccurate perception.

Previous: re: Megan Hilary and Jennifer Simard out of matinee - conciergekey 02:08 pm EST 01/23/25
Next: Hilty. - TimDunleavy 09:59 pm EST 01/22/25

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