Cabaret Moment
Posted by: Drew288 11:49 am EST 01/23/25

Today, a friend posted this anecdote (not his, but shared by somebody he knows):

An open letter to Adam Lambert,
This afternoon at Cabaret, as you were finishing the song "If You Could See Her" and you held the gorilla's face in your hands to say "She wouldn't look Jewish at all," you were cut off by people in the audience laughing at the joke. Not nervous laughter, not shocked laughter, but people who found the surprise that it was a Jewish gorilla legitimately funny. As I was shaking my head that we live in a world that didn't get the point of that joke, you turned to them and - without dropping character, without dropping the accent - said,
"No. This is not comedy. Pay attention."
Especially the week of this inauguration, I really appreciated that. And from the applause you got for it, I feel like the rest of the audience appreciated it, as well. Thank you so so much.

I wonder if this happens often? Does Lambert have this response locked and loaded or was this a spontaneous exchange?

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