re: Gypsy today
Posted by: toros 01:09 pm EST 01/23/25
In reply to: re: Gypsy today - Zelgo 11:16 am EST 01/23/25

They're similar, but not exactly the same.
There's no moment in the current revival where the audience stops applauding,
leaving Rose bowing in silence, to no one.
Now, applause is sustained into the following scene,
but it's clear that the audience Audra is bowing to is not the audience in the theatre.

Previous: re: Gypsy today - Chazwaza 01:18 pm EST 01/23/25
Next: re: Gypsy today - Give credit where credit is due: Lansbury/Laurents - theatreguy40 01:49 am EST 01/23/25

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