re: Suggestion: J. Harrison Ghee as Melinda Wells and David Gamble -- Any Other Casting Ideas?
Posted by: Chazwaza 08:26 pm EST 01/23/25
In reply to: Suggestion: J. Harrison Ghee as Melinda Wells and David Gamble -- Any Other Casting Ideas? - BroadwayTonyJ 05:34 pm EST 01/23/25

A great choice.

I'd be excited to see someone i wouldn't automatically think of. While I'd be thrilled to see someone who lives in both male and female clothing and adornments in their full time life (and career), I'd also be thrilled to see someone who does not, but can become that. It needs someone who can vocally handle a shift -- please god not the kind of "shift" we got with Santino in Tootsie, but maybe something uniquely Melinda that is not David, even if not a female affectation to the voice.

Previous: Suggestion: J. Harrison Ghee as Melinda Wells and David Gamble -- Any Other Casting Ideas? - BroadwayTonyJ 05:34 pm EST 01/23/25
Next: that Penzance girl ... - Chazwaza 10:17 pm EST 01/20/25

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