re: Shameless self-promotion: if you've ever enjoyed reading my posts...
Posted by: AnObserver 09:18 am EST 01/24/25
In reply to: Shameless self-promotion: if you've ever enjoyed reading my posts... - DanielVincent 10:12 pm EST 01/23/25

I was curious to know more about the tension between the "heightened toxic masculinity" and Wicked, and not as subtext. Wicked is female-driven, right? Except for the creative team? And why do your musings have to be from a showmosexual point of view? Isn't being intelligent enough? Congratulations. I hope you get followers. (Wasn't Joanne Worley Lavin's standby?)

Previous: re: The clever title of your Substack is "Tony" worthy! - lordofspeech 02:33 pm EST 01/24/25
Next: Great Questions - DanielVincent 06:17 pm EST 01/24/25

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