re: 'Back' to the past, Part II
Last Edit: writerkev 01:53 pm EST 01/24/25
Posted by: writerkev 01:52 pm EST 01/24/25
In reply to: re: 'Back' to the past, Part II - mikem 04:37 pm EST 01/23/25

I think the rule forbids using the person’s likeness in solo shots. I believe if there are more than three people in a picture or video, they are allowed to use the person’s image.

You can imagine what would happen if there was a picture of the entire cast of a big musical, and every time an ensemble member left, they expected the production to change the photo. I don’t think this rule-of-three (if it’s still valid) addresses the issue very well. There should be a better way to determine whether someone is recognizably being used to represent a show when they’re no longer in it…

Previous: re: 'Back' to the past, Part II - mikem 04:37 pm EST 01/23/25
Next: re: Is it “stealing” a role when a role is recast with a more famous actor for a broadway or west end transfer? Is this unfair to the original cast member? - StevenA 06:03 am EST 01/19/25

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