re: Gypsy today
Posted by: theatreguy40 03:47 pm EST 01/24/25
In reply to: re: Gypsy today - jjbkvm 05:21 pm EST 01/23/25

Please don't be offended... I don't think anyone (including myself) who responded to your initial post was trying to make you feel "irrelevant". Your post seemed to link Audra's final moment in "Rose's Turn" to your assessment of her masterful performance -- and I think we all were just trying to let you know that the moment had initially been created years and years ago and used in some way in almost every production since. No one was questioning Audra's wonderful performance or your appreciation of her performance. We all were just trying to clarify things for you...
Please don't feel offended or "irrelevant". It was no one's intention.

Previous: re: Gypsy today - jjbkvm 05:21 pm EST 01/23/25
Next: re: Gypsy today - Roman 09:20 pm EST 01/23/25

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