Great Questions
Posted by: DanielVincent 06:17 pm EST 01/24/25
In reply to: re: Shameless self-promotion: if you've ever enjoyed reading my posts... - AnObserver 09:18 am EST 01/24/25

Firstly, I love your question about the tension between heightened toxic masculinity and Wicked. The embarrassing but honest answer is that it was a mistaken insinuation on my part. I was instead trying to state that there are two obvious indicators--(1) toxic masculinity and (2) the confounding/enduring success of Wicked--of the need to elevate queer voices and the taste level often associated with them. Of course, I have to admit that Wicked has a HUGE gay following; maybe my confusion over how it’s become such a cherished work in my community should be the topic of a future post.

I’m embracing the showmosexual point-of-view not only because it’s what’s authentic to who I am, but also because for many years I was told I should be ashamed of it…or, at the very least, code-switch to cater to more mainstream perspectives. I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m just as proud to be a theatre queen as I am to be intelligent, so I want to celebrate both.

If Worley was Lavin’s standby in Gypsy, she was uncredited. Jana Robbins, who played Mazeppa, was rather confusingly credited as the standby for Rose, even though she’d more traditionally have been categorized as an understudy because she was playing a smaller role in the production full-time. Interestingly, Robbins would also later standby for Lavin—and, later, Valerie Harper and Rhea Pearlman (the former of whom TV viewers often confused with Lavin)—in The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife. She also covered Michele Lee’s role, which she would later play full-time on the tour opposite Harper.

I always find it fascinating when one actor repeatedly covers another. The golden-voiced Kristen Behrendt immediately comes to mind. She covered Alice Ripley in Sunset Blvd., King David, Side Show, and Les Miz. She's long retired from the NY theatre scene, but part of me has always wondered if she would have had Ripley retired first.

Previous: re: Shameless self-promotion: if you've ever enjoyed reading my posts... - AnObserver 09:18 am EST 01/24/25
Next: re: Shameless self-promotion: if you've ever enjoyed reading my posts... - PaulGrin 09:32 am EST 01/24/25

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