re: Then don't click on the links (nm)
Last Edit: MockingbirdGirl 02:21 pm EST 01/25/25
Posted by: MockingbirdGirl 02:20 pm EST 01/25/25
In reply to: re: Then don't click on the links (nm) - StageLover 02:15 pm EST 01/25/25

Yes, I'm happy to be snarky on this point.

It's the height of narcissism to suggest that because some people don't subscribe and can't read the articles, no one should be alerted to their existence.

If these posts are only of interest to WaPo subscribers—or those who know how to evade the firewall—then I'm fine with that. If that doesn't include you, then it's beyond me why you even care.

Previous: re: At least they said the source - comedywest 03:12 pm EST 01/25/25
Next: OH, Mary! Cast Replacements - TheHarveyBoy 10:26 am EST 01/25/25

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