re: Mrs. Lovett/Toby relationship
Posted by: AlanScott 04:08 am EST 03/09/24
In reply to: re: Mrs. Lovett/Toby relationship - bobby2 11:29 pm EST 03/07/24

I saw it nine times with Cariou and Lansbury, and twice with Hearn and Loudon.

In the Gottfried bio at which you looked, it said that she had to adjust to Hearn rather than Hearn adjusting to her. Despite that, it seems to me that her performance was not that different with Hearn than with Cariou. The problem was, at least in the video, it seems to me to lack the illusion of spontaneity. She doesn't even seem to really interact with him, nor he with her. They almost seem to be giving their performances alone. I suppose that might be said to make some sense with Lovett, who is in such denial about some things, but I don't remember feeling that about her onstage with Cariou. Of course, an extra year in a role can perhaps lead to such things, and it may be that her performance did not come off as I've described onstage from a distance. Maybe doing multiple takes of some scenes, as they probably did for the video, was part of the reason. Really, none of the video except curtain calls (and I'm not even sure about those) was shot with audience. They did shoot some performances with audience, so they could put in audience reactions, but none of that or virtually none of that ended up in the video.

Previous: re: Mrs. Lovett/Toby relationship - bobby2 11:29 pm EST 03/07/24
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