re: Theater Extras or Play-by-Play or ??
Last Edit: ilovenewyorktheater 07:33 am EST 03/09/24
Posted by: ilovenewyorktheater ( 07:32 am EST 03/09/24
In reply to: re: Theater Extras or Play-by-Play or ?? - Jackson 10:52 pm EST 03/08/24

Not a good experience with Stagelight. A lot of their offerings are for 2 tickets instead of a single ticket. I would email the owner and ask if he was going to offer single tickets and he would say when can you go and I will set aside a ticket for you, but would never follow up. He would ghost me completely. I cancelled my membership.

I am a member of Club Free Time, Will Call Club, TDF, Play-by-Play Theater Extras and Theatermania Gold. I seem to use Club Free Time and Will Call Club the most, not counting TDF which isn't a papering organization. Theatermania Gold has very little theater. Play-by-Play is also mainly offering a lot of music instead of theater. I have had luck with getting Rush tickets through Today Tix - won three recently. Also finally won a Lottery through Today Tix.

Previous: re: Theater Extras or Play-by-Play or ?? - Jackson 10:52 pm EST 03/08/24
Next: re: Theater Extras or Play-by-Play or ?? - mridley2 10:23 pm EST 03/05/24

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