re: ILLINOISE Last Night
Last Edit: singleticket 11:08 am EDT 03/10/24
Posted by: singleticket 11:05 am EDT 03/10/24
In reply to: re: ILLINOISE Last Night - seenenuf 07:50 pm EST 03/09/24

sergius' review made complete sense to me.

"That this is achieved through music and motion alone augments the achievement"

How is the achievement augmented?

The achievement of telling a story about youth is made greater by using music and motion alone and not dialogue, spoken word, scenery, etc. It is what dance can do that can often make it more sublime than spoken theater. According to sergius that is what is happening here.

"ILLINOISE demonstrates that none of us is ever above—or much beyond really—our impetuous youth"

How is one "above" their youth?

One is above and beyond one's impetuous youth when one believes one is wiser. I, for one, no longer accept 4am rides in cars without seatbelts from friends who have ingested massive quantities of alcohol and crystal meth. But ILLINOISE demonstrates that whatever that part of me that did accept those rides in my youth is still within me.

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