re: snark not necessary..
Posted by: MistressAndy 04:48 pm EST 02/05/24
In reply to: re: snark not necessary.. - Chromolume 09:24 am EST 02/04/24

The Mattress revival in the 90's was truly dreadful except for ONE THING- The new vocal arrangements in "Normandy". I absolutely LOVED THEM and actually tried to find them and seek permission to use them again when I directed Mattress- but alas, it was not to be. I couldn't find them. Eliminating the Minstrel isn't a good idea, IMO, if only because I really like the songs in which the Minstrel appears.

Previous: re: snark not necessary.. - Chromolume 09:24 am EST 02/04/24
Next: Sweeney TDF? - kidmanboy 07:17 am EST 02/04/24

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