re: Laughter on "I'm SHYYYYYYYY!"
Last Edit: PlayWiz 09:16 pm EST 02/08/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 09:14 pm EST 02/08/24
In reply to: Laughter on "I'm SHYYYYYYYY!" - AlanScott 07:47 pm EST 02/08/24

Ok, if not the most laughter (maybe more like shocked delight) right there, the explosive, big tone (like Merman) all in a sudden outburst in the show made something of a visceral impact; we know it had an impact because we all here are still talking about her performance of the song years later.

Previous: Laughter on "I'm SHYYYYYYYY!" - AlanScott 07:47 pm EST 02/08/24
Next: re: ONCE UPON A MATTRESS Last Night - JereNYC 02:12 pm EST 02/07/24

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