re: JELLY'S LAST JAM last night
Posted by: student_rush 10:39 am EST 02/26/24
In reply to: re: JELLY'S LAST JAM last night - showtunesoprano 10:10 am EST 02/26/24

Categorically false. I like Porter but he needed it. If they needed to skirt union rules and have someone hold a binder, it could have been any of the ensemble members — like MATTRESS (counter to what is written below), where ensemble members held binders almost throughout. It was choreographed into the dances.

Previous: re: JELLY'S LAST JAM last night - Chromolume 05:47 pm EST 02/27/24
Next: re: JELLY'S LAST JAM last night - Ncassidine 10:36 am EST 02/26/24

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