re: Partial Dimming for Hinton Battle
Last Edit: nyc23 11:56 pm EST 03/01/24
Posted by: nyc23 11:55 pm EST 03/01/24
In reply to: re: Partial Dimming for Hinton Battle - ryhog 05:23 pm EST 03/01/24

I was questioning the partial nature of the decision… I find it perplexing. It is the theatre owner’s decision, though. I am glad he’s getting recognition.

I’m thankful for what Hinton gave us, and for those who chose to recognize him.

I know we’re indebted to those we’ve lost, and grateful for those we still have.

Previous: re: Partial Dimming for Hinton Battle - ryhog 05:23 pm EST 03/01/24
Next: What’s weirder to me is… - ShowGoer 03:32 pm EST 03/01/24

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