re: JELLY'S LAST JAM Last Night - something major was missing from original I think
Last Edit: PlayWiz 12:53 pm EST 03/02/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 12:41 pm EST 03/02/24
In reply to: re: JELLY'S LAST JAM Last Night - mikem 12:12 pm EST 03/02/24

The music and dance numbers were terrific and many of the the individual performances as well. Leslie Uggams still can sell a song like nobody's business, her voice still a wonderful instrument. Joaquina Kalukango has great pipes, acting chops and a wonderful stage presence. Nicholas Christopher was very effective at playing a quite nasty, arrogant and most likely self-hating individual who aims that animosity towards others. His singing and acting were quite good; while his dancing was good, it was offset somewhat by the much more accomplished dancers around him. The Young Jelly played by Alaman Diodhiou led some terrific dance numbers.

One thing I recall from the original was missing from this; please correct me if I'm wrong. Wasn't there a number at the end of the first act where many of the African-American performers do the number in white face? I seem to recall articles about performers hating to have to do the number, but they understood George C. Wolfe's intention for why he had the number staged that way. I guess it's not in the text, as the new director didn't do it that way; he had the performers in the meant-to-be demeaning doorman's red jackets. Perhaps he thought it would be too much for today's audience to add the makeup. Not to say I missed it, or that it was necessary -- but it was a shocking remembrance, and I was waiting to see if it had been retained. I haven't read all the reviews, but I don't know if this has been discussed.

Previous: re: JELLY'S LAST JAM Last Night - sergius 12:49 pm EST 03/02/24
Next: re: JELLY'S LAST JAM Last Night - something major was missing from original I think - Singapore/Fling 04:11 pm EST 03/02/24

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