re: JELLY'S LAST JAM Last Night
Last Edit: mikem 12:16 pm EST 03/02/24
Posted by: mikem 12:12 pm EST 03/02/24
In reply to: JELLY'S LAST JAM Last Night - sergius 07:54 am EST 03/02/24

sergius, just to confirm, the talkback was yesterday (Friday night)? I thought it was usually on Saturday after the matinee. Or did they have two?

I saw the show last week. I liked it, and I thought Nicholas Christopher and Joaquina Kalukango were fantastic, but I found the structure less than ideal. The only characters who are around for more than a scene or two are Jelly, the Chimney Man, and the Hunnies, and the Chimney Man and the Hunnies are playing more of a concept than a character. We meet characters and then they disappear. And Jelly's real viciousness towards his friend and girlfriend at the end of Act I came a bit out of the blue to me. I don't think it was foreshadowed enough that he would do something that extreme.

I also thought this was the most fully-produced Encores I personally have seen. It did not feel at all like the creative team was making compromises because the show had a limited rehearsal time and a limited budget. The set was minimal, but I think having the orchestra separated and utilizing the full depth of the stage erased my usual feeling that I am constantly reminded that the orchestra is on stage and this is an Encores performance. There also were more costume changes than I usually remember.

Looking at the playbill later, I see there is a number called,"Jelly in Isolation" by Jelly and Young Jelly towards the end of the show. I don't remember Young Jelly coming back in any significant fashion in Act II. Did Young Jelly do quite a bit in this number?

Going back to our prior thread about crying, both Christopher and Kalukango were crying up a storm, but I thought it really worked here. Kalukango in particular has charisma to burn. From her first lines, she makes Jelly look like a fool for even thinking about letting her go. I can't wait to see what she does next.

Previous: JELLY'S LAST JAM Last Night - sergius 07:54 am EST 03/02/24
Next: re: JELLY'S LAST JAM Last Night - AlanScott 05:27 pm EST 03/02/24

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