re: Taking Extra Playbills Amounted to a Slap and Security…
Posted by: champagnesalesman 03:32 pm EST 03/02/24
In reply to: re: Taking Extra Playbills Amounted to a Slap and Security… - ryhog 01:19 pm EST 03/02/24

Given the obscene cost of tickets and the huge amount of available playbills...most of which become landfill anyway...I see nothing wrong if someone wants a few extra playbills especially to give to friends out of's not like they sell on ebay(or at flea markets) for huge amounts of money....And yes they could have just asked for an extra ....but those union ushers can indeed be rude sometimes

Previous: re: Taking Extra Playbills Amounted to a Slap and Security… - bythesea2007 12:28 pm EST 03/03/24
Next: Condiments have a longer expiration date than playbills - dramedy 03:20 pm EST 03/02/24

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