re: The Connector, those three songs *MAJOR SPOILER*
Last Edit: ilw 08:23 pm EST 03/03/24
Posted by: ilw 08:19 pm EST 03/03/24
In reply to: re: The Connector, those three songs *spoiler* - kidmanboy 07:27 pm EST 03/03/24

Exactly. The refrain "God reached out to me" in "The Western Wall" is first sung by those who want to believe their prayers are being answered by God but are really being answered by Anna. Then, in the climax of the song, "God reached out to me" is sung by Anna, revealing that she thinks she has a mission from God to prevent faith from disappearing. Similarly, Ethan is playing God, creating characters that his readers want to believe are real.

Previous: re: The Connector, those three songs *spoiler* - kidmanboy 07:27 pm EST 03/03/24
Next: re: Job and The Connector, my disagreements/agreements with the reviews - Chromolume 06:35 pm EST 03/03/24

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