re: Are any of the new musicals to come a "must see"?
Last Edit: Ann 02:21 pm EST 03/05/24
Posted by: Ann 02:20 pm EST 03/05/24
In reply to: Are any of the new musicals to come a "must see"? - mikem 01:59 pm EST 03/05/24

I've seen Hell's Kitchen and I think it's a great piece of entertainment, with a slight story and good choreography and performances (others' opinions vary).

I'm guessing Suffs will be a popular ticket, based on the response from the Public.

Of the rest, which I haven't seen, I'd love to hear anything about The Outsiders.

Previous: re: Are any of the new musicals to come a "must see"? - wnpverona 02:45 pm EST 03/05/24
Next: re: "Any sense of what's likely to attract awards attention or end up being a hot ticket?" - Dale 02:20 pm EST 03/05/24

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