re: Favorite ENCORES!
Last Edit: lowwriter 03:55 pm EST 03/06/24
Posted by: lowwriter 03:50 pm EST 03/06/24
In reply to: Favorite ENCORES! - Genealley 02:32 am EST 03/05/24

I would add Where’s Charley, Carnival!, The Light in the Piazza, Bloomer Girl, Do Re Mi, Me and My Girl, Hair, Promises Promises, Bells Are Ringing, Big River, Purlie, Out of This World, Grand Hotel and Oliver! to the list.

But my only disagreement is No Strings. It was lackluster and a huge disappointment.

Previous: re: The surprising PAINT YOUR WAGON - AlanScott 02:54 pm EDT 03/12/24
Next: re: Favorite ENCORES! - jacobsk 12:36 am EST 03/06/24

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