OLD THEORY: Sondheim's smother-mothers and Rodgers & Hammerstein's flawed fathers
Last Edit: Chromolume 08:09 pm EST 03/08/24
Posted by: Chromolume 08:04 pm EST 03/08/24
In reply to: NEW THEORY: Sondheim's smother-mothers and Rodgers & Hammerstein's flawed fathers - TheBroadwayMaven 07:07 am EST 03/07/24

These observations (theories? that sounds so, um, scientific) are not new at all. But in terms of Sondheim and Rodgers, it's time for the important reminder that they didn't create the characters. In many cases, neither did the shows' book writers. Although, sure, in some cases they may have had some affinity for these kind of characters, but for instance, I really doubt that Hammerstein sought out Michener's Tales of The South Pacific because DeBecque is a flawed father figure. Or Sondheim getting interested in musicalizing Plautus because of Domina. That's pretty far-fetched.

Sometimes a "theory" is really merely a huge bit (or should I say "chunk") of unsupported speculation. And I also recall Sondheim once saying in an interview that (and I paraphrase) "people tend to overanalyze my work..." - that's food for thought.

Previous: NEW THEORY: Sondheim's smother-mothers and Rodgers & Hammerstein's flawed fathers - TheBroadwayMaven 07:07 am EST 03/07/24
Next: re: OLD THEORY: Sondheim's smother-mothers and Rodgers & Hammerstein's flawed fathers - ryhog 03:59 pm EDT 03/10/24

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