re: OLD THEORY: Sondheim's smother-mothers and Rodgers & Hammerstein's flawed fathers
Posted by: ryhog 03:59 pm EDT 03/10/24
In reply to: OLD THEORY: Sondheim's smother-mothers and Rodgers & Hammerstein's flawed fathers - Chromolume 08:04 pm EST 03/08/24

"unsupported speculation"

or, more specifically, inept, lazy, or non-existent scholarship. I bristle at the word "theory" as well, perhaps not because it is not scientific but because it insults the word "theory." Theory presupposes an intellectual foundation, not something concocted at a bar after a show when the bartender has just brought you your fourth round.

Previous: OLD THEORY: Sondheim's smother-mothers and Rodgers & Hammerstein's flawed fathers - Chromolume 08:04 pm EST 03/08/24
Next: Debra Byrd, vocal coach, has died. - kieran 11:14 pm EST 03/06/24

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