re: Brahms and Bernstein
Last Edit: Chromolume 06:57 pm EST 03/09/24
Posted by: Chromolume 06:55 pm EST 03/09/24
In reply to: Brahms and Bernstein - StanS 06:16 pm EST 03/09/24

I'm going to be pedantic here and say that the rhythm is very very similar but not the same. (The lengths of the long dotted notes vs. the short notes are different.) Other than that, I don't have much to comment on. It is what it is. But as you said, it's just 6 notes.

The first 3 notes of the refrain of Bali Hai are also the first 3 notes of the refrain of Over The Rainbow. Ok, and...??

Previous: Brahms and Bernstein - StanS 06:16 pm EST 03/09/24
Next: re: Brahms and Bernstein - StanS 12:59 pm EDT 03/11/24

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