re: ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE - this rainy afternoon
Posted by: singleticket 07:04 pm EST 03/09/24
In reply to: re: ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE - this rainy afternoon - AlanScott 06:36 pm EST 03/09/24

Yes, the only other production I've seen was the MTC production with Richard Thomas. I remember liking it more than the critics even though I remember it as kind of two-dimensional and presentational. The current production is much more fully imagined and, I think, rewarding. I would recommend going. I sat in the back rows and did not feel too far away from the action. I really like Circle in the Square as a house, I think the sight lines are nearly all good and it's a nice balance between a decent sized audience and intimacy.

Previous: re: ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE - this rainy afternoon - AlanScott 06:36 pm EST 03/09/24
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