re: “Was ‘Over the Rainbow’ Plagiarized?”
Last Edit: PlayWiz 02:50 am EDT 03/11/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 02:47 am EDT 03/11/24
In reply to: re: “Was ‘Over the Rainbow’ Plagiarized?” - JohninChicago 12:58 am EDT 03/11/24

There are also repeated notes -- for instance, two eighth-notes of the same G repeated (thus no interval between them) and many varying rhythms, which by remembering some bits of calculus (just a bit) can lead to huge numbers of varying combinations. Also, composers also listen to lots of music over their lifetimes, and sometimes, unwittingly (or maybe wittingly) they might use some of what they have already heard. I think one of my music professors told me that Richard Wagner used to copy down scores of other composers as means of helping him learn composition and orchestration. But I think he might have been accused of some other composer's works creeping into his own operas as well.

Previous: re: “Was ‘Over the Rainbow’ Plagiarized?” - JohninChicago 12:58 am EDT 03/11/24
Next: re: “Was ‘Over the Rainbow’ Plagiarized?” - ryhog 01:13 pm EST 03/09/24

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