re: TOMMY buzz?
Last Edit: chekhovs_gun 03:58 pm EDT 03/11/24
Posted by: chekhovs_gun 03:54 pm EDT 03/11/24
In reply to: re: TOMMY buzz? - Chazwaza 07:10 pm EDT 03/10/24

The big improvement for me was in how the design elements helped to create a thematic focus which the original production lacked.

Granted, these elements would not have been conceivable prior to the development of smart phones, social media, etc., so it is a valid argument that each production is a product of its time.

This new production is more stripped-down and minimalist, and yet I found it more thought-provoking and relevant than the original, which, at the time, for me, was pure pleasure but didn't offer any intellectual stimulation beyond what is offered in the source material (i.e the original album, which I love).

Also, I prefer Bourzgui over Cerveris.

Previous: re: TOMMY buzz? - Chazwaza 07:10 pm EDT 03/10/24
Next: re: TOMMY buzz? - WeillFan 02:30 pm EDT 03/11/24

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