re: TOMMY buzz?
Posted by: oddone 10:03 pm EDT 03/11/24
In reply to: re: TOMMY buzz? - Chromolume 09:50 pm EDT 03/11/24

If you google "Trigger Warnings Make Things Worse" you'll get a bunch of hits. One is below, but there are more. I'm sure the reality is somewhat complicated and messy, but the idea that trigger warnings are either a net positive, or at least "can't hurt," does not seem to be shown by the science.

There was a trigger warning for Swing State in the lobby that basically gave away the ending of the play. I thankfully didn't see it until I was walking out of the theatre, but I was still pissed off about it.

I find trigger warnings of this sort immensely frustrating. I mean, a warning about how content may not be suitable for children or whatever, fine. But the current trend is to ever-more detailed warnings when the science seems to show that is exactly the wrong thing to do.

And don't get me started on what some college students seem to expect in this regard, in terms of content warnings for coursework.

(That said, I DO like your suggested warnings.)
Link One study

Previous: re: TOMMY buzz? - Chromolume 09:50 pm EDT 03/11/24
Next: if anything, they should be made accessible privately/online - Chazwaza 10:54 pm EDT 03/12/24

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