re: TOMMY buzz?
Last Edit: Chromolume 09:52 pm EDT 03/11/24
Posted by: Chromolume 09:50 pm EDT 03/11/24
In reply to: re: TOMMY buzz? - oddone 09:40 pm EDT 03/11/24

Many studies have shown

Can you point to any? That's not a challenge, I'm simply curious to know what you have read.

I don't personally need/heed trigger warnings. But ones I would like might include "young audience; will tend to hoot and holler at everything" and "sit in the front row to avoid being blocked in your seat by the obligatory standing O." ;-)

Previous: re: TOMMY buzz? - oddone 09:40 pm EDT 03/11/24
Next: re: TOMMY buzz? - oddone 10:03 pm EDT 03/11/24

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