re: re:dynamic pricing and cost of seats
Posted by: den 12:09 am EDT 03/15/24
In reply to: re: re:dynamic pricing and cost of seats - ryhog 10:36 pm EDT 03/14/24

I was responding, in part, to the original poster’s experience of finding a $125 seat suddenly rising to $281, and finding seats priced at $311 eventually dropping to $155. These kinds of fluctuations make it difficult to know when to buy tickets to get the most advantageous (fairest?) price. I do have the patience to check prices a few times (but only a few times) for shows I really want to see. But for shows I have only a marginal interest in or that I’m on the fence about (which, these days, turns out to be most Broadway offerings), I’m more inclined to just give up. Yes, of course, it’s “on me,” as you put it. But I suspect there are other formerly frequent theater goers who might feel similarly.

Previous: re: re:dynamic pricing and cost of seats - den 08:18 pm EDT 03/15/24
Next: re: Notes from my 'Notebook' nightmare of dynamic pricing - huskyital 04:31 pm EDT 03/14/24

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