re: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two)
Last Edit: sf 02:15 pm EDT 03/18/24
Posted by: sf 02:10 pm EDT 03/18/24
In reply to: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two) - sergius 11:47 am EDT 03/18/24

I had a very similar reaction to TILL THE STARS COME DOWN. (Mostly) sharp characterisations and superb performances - half my family are from that part of the world, there's a lot in it that is very familiar to me - but it's holed below the waterline by Steel's failure to make Marek, the Polish bridegroom, anything more than a two-dimensional emblem.

I did think that one of Marek's lines - "You have to decide whether you are superior or a victim. You cannot be both." - cut right to the heart of what Steel is trying to say about racism (and Brexit). But that line would have landed harder if she'd given us a fully-rounded character rather than a mouthpiece.

On the plus side, though, Lorraine Ashbourne's Aunty Carol is a comic tour-de-force. She gets the sharpest writing, and it's a spectacular performance.

Previous: re: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two) - Singapore/Fling 05:57 pm EDT 03/18/24
Next: re: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two) - sergius 05:49 pm EDT 03/18/24

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