re: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two)
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 05:57 pm EDT 03/18/24
In reply to: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two) - sergius 11:47 am EDT 03/18/24

In its original play form, the cameras worked incredibly well in "Opening Night", but that production was in the US in 2008, and had been in Amsterdam a few years prior, so this does seem to be a trend of Ivo recycling things that were compelling in his downtown work in the 2000s for his commercial work now.

Previous: re: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two) - dczoo 07:09 pm EDT 03/18/24
Next: re: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two) - sf 02:10 pm EDT 03/18/24

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