re: Lempicka
Posted by: theaterisok 04:25 pm EST 02/27/24
In reply to: re: Lempicka - huskyital 01:52 pm EST 02/27/24

I'm going to assume this was a serious question. The producers are bringing this in because they believe in the show and the artists involved. The lead producer has been with the show for a very long time, too. It's a dream come true to get a show to Broadway (as seen by one of their ads running featuring a tear soaked composer gushing in the theater - won't sell a single ticket). Whether the producers have the skill to make their show succeed has nothing to do with their passion for bringing it in.

Previous: to be honest--slave play looked like it would be a hit - dramedy 05:09 pm EST 02/27/24
Next: re: Lempicka - ryhog 04:37 pm EST 02/27/24

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