re: Let's not forget 'Music of the Night"
Last Edit: NewtonUK 10:13 am EDT 03/12/24
Posted by: NewtonUK 10:08 am EDT 03/12/24
In reply to: re: “Was ‘Over the Rainbow’ Plagiarized?” - scoot1er 02:36 pm EST 03/09/24

... which bears more than a passing resemblance to music in Puccini's FANCIULLA DEL WEST. The Puccini estate sued, and there was an out of court settlement. I've always found this fascinating because Hal Prince had directed FANCIULLA for Lyric Opera of Chicago in 1978. He must have noticed this ...

Previous: re: “Was ‘Over the Rainbow’ Plagiarized?” - scoot1er 02:36 pm EST 03/09/24
Next: Uncle Vanya review – Trevor Nunn triumphs with Chekhov’s tragicomedy - young-walsingham 02:59 am EST 03/09/24

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