re: JELLY'S LAST JAM last night
Posted by: Thom915 06:16 pm EST 02/25/24
In reply to: JELLY'S LAST JAM last night - student_rush 11:54 am EST 02/25/24

I agree with most of your observations except I found billy Porter, after their first scene to be boring, playing the role like a sledgehammer. It was like a class in how to give a one note performance. Leslie Uggams (and at curtain call the love for her was palpable to feel. to be fair, Porter also got an overwhelming ovation at curtain) got more out of her role which is written on one note than Porter did with their role throughout the show.I sat in the middleof the balcony front row and had no realproblem witht he sound design but I understand that others have had.

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Next: re: JELLY'S LAST JAM last night - Ncassidine 02:59 pm EST 02/25/24

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