re: “Was ‘Over the Rainbow’ Plagiarized?”
Last Edit: PlayWiz 01:34 pm EST 03/09/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 01:23 pm EST 03/09/24
In reply to: re: “Was ‘Over the Rainbow’ Plagiarized?” - ryhog 01:13 pm EST 03/09/24

It's not just the notes themselves, but also the rhythm of how the notes are used which can change a melody. The first two notes of "Over the Rainbow" ("Somewhere") are also, for instance, the first two notes of "100 Easy Ways to Lose A Man" ("The First" as in "The First Way to Lose a Man") from "Wonderful Town", but the rhythm is different. It's an octave jump either way. (At least as two notes being played on "Name That Tune" they'd be different, though of course the Bernstein song isn't anywhere as well-known as the Arlen). Longer pieces like some already mentioned are more suspect, especially the Humming Chorus from "Madame Butterfly".

Previous: re: “Was ‘Over the Rainbow’ Plagiarized?” - AlanScott 01:28 pm EST 03/09/24
Next: re: “Was ‘Over the Rainbow’ Plagiarized?” - scoot1er 02:36 pm EST 03/09/24

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